Maritime and offshore personnel 

Since 2002 HRC Offshore has been the leading external supplier of maritime and offshore manpower to the Norwegian offshore fleet.

HRC supplies both Norwegian and foreign crew to advanced offshore vessels and rigs, operating all over the world. Recruiting the right people will decide whether a business succeeds or not. The current labour market presents us with new challenges every day. Creativity and developing our services in close collaboration with our customers are vital to our success.



Our services




Personalhuset HRC offshore is a leading supplier of subsea personnel.

Read about Subsea services


We supply medical and HSE personnel to advanced offshore vessels and rigs worldwide.

Read about Medic services


HRC supplies both Norwegian and foreign crew to rigs, operating all over the world.

Read about Maritime services

Oil & Rig

We supply oil service personnel to offshore vessels and rigs in and outside of Norway.

Read about Oil Service


HRC supplies both Norwegian and foreign crew to rigs, operating all over the world.

Read about Recruitment services


"Recruiting the right people will decide whether a business succeeds or not. The current labour market presents us with new challenges every day. Creativity and developing our services in close collaboration with our customers is vital to our success. "

Sondre Sande, Manager Personalhuset HRC Offshore





Our certifications